About COC

I set COCهي group of economic consultancies / Integrated Management, founded in 2007 and is currently working through its center Main in the kingdom, for the group representative offices in America, Britain, France, and Switzerland, provided in 15 years. More than 5,700 Day advisory work in the equivalent 800.44 hours of consulting.
The group offers plus management consulting, economic state arises a number of rehabilitation programs Specialized, and the development of real and clean the most and symposia, and helps companies and institutions in the choice of the elements of the human For administrative functions and specialized, and is working on the development and structure of the family business and her dream of incorporation and even التحول إلى مساهمة وحوكمتها، والعمل عىل تطوير برامج ريادة الأعامل والحاضنات والمرسعات وبرامج المسؤ ولية الإجتماعية واستشارات الجودة والتميز المؤسسي وخلق الفرص الاستثامرية. Working in a group in the center of the main the number of advisors who are specialists in addition to regional partners To the level of the world in various disciplines, competencies, and full-time or contractual.

The concept of business development in COC

Designed COC to develop the business and provide advice and support to companies, institutions and industrial services, it also help in lifting The performance of companies and increasing their income in the shadow of variables, local and international competition is strong and the guarantor of the continuity., the Install quality Services provided in support of the competitiveness to achieve the required growth and development of continuous performance. And of the most important features of our programs
The advisory that they include all the aspects that you need facilities to develop her without falling in The problem ( the crisis of experts ).

Our vision

Our vision consulting and economic studies consists in investing in real estate, integration in the performance, sport development Gave us because we model a veteran in the quality of the work of specialized management consulting and economic insights Master tool is enabled for the community to prepare the institutions and future leaders in various fields to achieve development Cultural human resources locally and regionally.

Our mission

Provide expertise and focus on the village specialty that experience derived from the friction important direct reports to institutions
العاملية والإقليمية وتقدميها للجهات طالبة الخدمة الإستشارية والإستشارية والمهنية في إتباع أدق وأرقى قواعد العمل المهني في تنفيذ الأنشطة التي توكل الي المجموعة للقيام بها. تبني )المهنية( في المجموعة على قواعد أربعة هي :- “الجودة – الإجادة – التطوير- السرية” في التعامل مع معلومات وبيانات وخبرات الجهات طالبة الخدمة وتقديم خدمات تدريبية واستشارية متميزة ذات جودة عالية تفوق توقعات عمالئنا ومتكنهم من التفوق وزيادة قدراتهم التنافسية. نحنيف COCمعنيون بتقديم نموذج رفيع المستوى للدراسات , ركيزتنا تدعيم مهنية رأس المال البشري ورفع كفاءة الاستثامر. هدفنا تقديم سلسلة متكامله من الخبرات والخدمات الإستشارية والإستشارية للمديرين المتخصصني وللإدارة ككل بأداء ملتزم وفعال يتسم بالتميز والإهتامم, معززين بذلك ريادة المجموعة في نرش وتبادل الخربات العاملية والإقليمية.

Our values

قيمنا تمثل لنا منارات ترشدنا في عملنا ونؤمن بأن الجودة والمصداقية تأتي في المقام الأول ونحن ملتزمون بهذه القيم الأساسية وبتزويد عملائنا بمنتجات عالية الجودة ومبستوى خدمة للعملاء لا مكن مضاهاتها و ُيثمن المجموعة وجود بيئة علمية وعملية ترعي النمو الفكري عرب التعبري الحر الصادق وتلتزم COCللدراسات الاقتصادية والتطوير والإستشارات الإدارية والإسرتاتيجية بالتميز على جميع المستويات التعليمية والإستشارية والإبداعية وتشجيع جميع المشاركين على التفوق وتنمية القدرة علي إصدار الأحكام والقرارات الرشيدة وتقوم المجموعة بدور حيوي في الإستثمار في الموارد البشرية في المجتمع وكمحر ك اساسي للتنمية الاقتصادية، وبتحديد أكثر، تشمل هذه القيم:

Enjoy/creative /responsibility flexibility/ transparency
Spirit of team work/ improvement and continuous /Secretariat professional/
Integrative/ Asia/ compliance quality/ speed completion

The main purpose of the group COC

The purpose of the group to do the implementation of the activities of the advisory studies and field research and related studies
Economic and administrative sectors of government and public and private areas and the management of the different textures
The strengthening of administrative thought for improving time management .

Target strategic group COC

Excellence in programs, consulting, development and contributions to cultural and customers trust the outputs of the group's late optimized
Our resources for the line with the changes and developments of foreign and modern technology and the provision of experts and advisers offers
Capacity and expertise of layered high-disciplines and qualified scientifically with art work in
The various areas . And Strategic Group for better management of this means focusing on the exchange of professional experiences and provide
The means and methods required therefore, and evaluation of career counseling and development spurge provide services consulting integrated
And management, modern, Cam means that also the commitment and to enjoy in the performance.

The joint international group COC

Wearing a set COCبشراكة art bed of companies, institutions and global niche, and the most important:
1 .Body consulting the European and American “Eureoconsultant "Global which has branches in America and Britain, which
Specializing in management consulting integrated
2 .Academic international sport and in America.
3 .The International Organization Development and Human Resources Development in America.
4 .Committees of the economic development of the United Nations and the Union of the European and African
5 .Funds and international banks.
Harvard Business University .6
Cambridge Family Enterprise .7