Consulting human capital

1 .The preparation of the general plan of treatment strategy.
2 .The design of the structure of the work, and to determine functions and responsibilities.
3 .Preparation of a field study of the labour market and to identify the level of salaries.
4 .Job evaluation and preparation of the ranks and salaries of your group /organization.
5 .To develop standards to assess the skills.
6 .The preparation of personnel policies and procedures.
7 .Staff appraisal worlds and establish a culture of work unified the various references and levels.
8 .The rehabilitation group / organization to develop a management system to transition fully successful.
9 .The planning and management succession.
10.Identify the needs of the group of “jobs” administrative and jurisdiction.
11 .Help are the preparation of the job description, required qualifications .
12.Inquisition for items qualifying and presenting a list of best mini.
13.Express an opinion on the financial benefits.
14.The preparation of programmes, the definition of the work of the group of new employees.
15.Submit the opinion of the consultant about the contract.